Dark Triad and Counterproductive work Behavior in Pakistan: The mediatory role of Perceived Organizational Fairness complemented by Organizational Climate


  • Syeda Umme Kulsoom Rizvi Research Scholar, Karachi University Business School, University of Karachi, Pakistan
  • Danish Ahmed Siddiqui Associate Professor, Karachi University Business School, University of Karachi, Pakistan




: Dark Triads, Counterproductive Workplace Behaviour, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Ethical Organizational Climate, Perceived Organizational Fairness, Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, Narcissism


The counterproductive work behavior (CWB) often affiliated with darker personality traits, such as narcissism and psychopathy, has been the subject of numerous studies. Yet, a knowledge gap exists in the mechanisms elucidating these associations. Historically, these links have been explored within the realms of organizational politics and accountability. In contrast, our study introduces a theoretical construct that delves into the ethical dimension, seeking to explicate the relationship in the context of organizational fairness. The central argument posits that the Dark Triad—comprising narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy—negatively influences Perceived Organizational Fairness (POF). This reduced POF, in turn, adversely impacts CWB while concurrently fostering positive Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Furthermore, the dark triad's impact on CWB/OCB is supplemented inversely/proportionately by the presence of an Ethical Organizational Climate (EOC). This suggests that a robust ethical climate attenuates the dark triad's adverse effects on CWB. The empirical validation of this theoretical construct was accomplished through a survey-based, closed-ended questionnaire, with data derived from 290 employees predominantly associated with private sector enterprises. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were employed for data analysis. Our findings indicated a significant correlation between Machiavellianism and psychopathy (within the dark triad) and CWB/OCB. Simultaneously, EOC was found to moderate the negative relationship between Machiavellianism and OC. Contrarily, POF was not discerned as a mediating factor between the dark triad and CWB/OCB. These findings underscore the role of an ethical organizational climate in mitigating the onset of counterproductive work behavior in the presence of dark triad personality traits. The study's findings recommend integrating psychometric testing into recruitment processes, aiding in identifying candidates exhibiting dark triad traits. Right job placements could potentially convert these traits into positive contributions, promoting organizational success. This proactive approach in recruitment helps curb counterproductive behaviors and enhances overall workplace harmony.


Author Biographies

Syeda Umme Kulsoom Rizvi, Research Scholar, Karachi University Business School, University of Karachi, Pakistan



Danish Ahmed Siddiqui, Associate Professor, Karachi University Business School, University of Karachi, Pakistan






How to Cite

Rizvi, S. U. K., & Danish Ahmed Siddiqui. (2023). Dark Triad and Counterproductive work Behavior in Pakistan: The mediatory role of Perceived Organizational Fairness complemented by Organizational Climate. International Journal of Social Science & Entrepreneurship, 3(2), 545–568. https://doi.org/10.58661/ijsse.v3i2.161