Does Servant Leadership Induce Organizational Commitment Through Job Satisfaction? Evidence from the Telecom Sector


  • Ramsha Salim Vadsariya Student, Department of Business Administration, Iqra University
  • Muhammad Muzammil Ghayas Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Iqra University



Servant Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment


This research aims at explaining if the job satisfaction mediates relationship between servant leadership dimensions and organizational commitment dimensions. A set of three separate questionnaires were developed. Furthermore, respondents were selected using judgmental sampling and 450 sets of instruments were distributed among people working for the telecom sector in three waves, each wave being apart from the other with a time lag of one month. However, not all the respondents filled the set of three instruments, consequently, 397 useable sets were used as the final sample. Upon collecting the data, data were analyzed by employing three separate structural equation models. Results indicate job satisfaction partially mediates servant leadership and organizational commitment dimensions with exception of only two cases; persuasive mapping and normative commitment where mediation is full in nature, and wisdom and continuance commitment where no mediation is found. After analyzing the results, it is recommended that telecom sector must understand the importance of leadership and its importance in enhancing organizational commitment among employees. It is further recommended that future researchers should conduct similar studies in other industries as well.




How to Cite

Ramsha Salim Vadsariya, & Ghayas, M. M. (2024). Does Servant Leadership Induce Organizational Commitment Through Job Satisfaction? Evidence from the Telecom Sector. International Journal of Social Science & Entrepreneurship, 4(2), 1–15.