Exploring the Multifaceted Impact of Climate Change on Madagascar


  • Sabeen Azam Lecturer IR, National University of Modern Languages, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Fatima Lecturer, Pol. Science, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water, and Marine Sciences
  • Sadaf Jan Siddiqui Mphil Pol. Science, GCU, Lahore
  • Rafique Ahmed Research Officer: Directorate of Agriculture Researcher Dates Kech, Turbat
  • Akhlaque Hussain Larik Assistant Professor, Pol. Science, SALU, Khairpur




Madagascar, Biodiversity, Climate change, Food crises, Drought


Climate change is now becoming one of the major non-traditional security threats for all states. Among those states, the one that is becoming more impoverished due to these changes is Madagascar, which is an island nation located at the southeast coast of Africa. Though Madagascar contributes very little to the global carbon emissions, still it is facing the repercussions of the climate change. These changes hit severely to the biodiversity of Madagascar, especially of human existence, by causing drought and food crises. Extreme weather events, raising temperatures, and erratic rainfall patterns have a negative influence on people, agriculture, and the region's ecosystem. This article analyzes the implications caused by climate change on Madagascar. This article finds that the complex climate effects on Madagascar are alarming triggers and ultimately call for a global effort that ought to be coordinated and dedicated to equitable and sustainable development. Furthermore, it is also recommended that overall proactive measures ought to be taken internationally to reduce carbon emissions and to build more resilience and funding to foster mutual collaboration to combat the climate change issue.




How to Cite

Sabeen Azam, Fatima, Sadaf Jan Siddiqui, Rafique Ahmed, & Akhlaque Hussain Larik. (2024). Exploring the Multifaceted Impact of Climate Change on Madagascar. International Journal of Social Science & Entrepreneurship, 4(3), 493–509. https://doi.org/10.58661/ijsse.v4i3.331